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The Golden Apple
Bowspring Munich


 Bowspring Online Studio with Jennifer Metzger
Wave Pose with lifted leg, Fascial Training, Bowspring, Antigravity
Handstand wave, Bowspring, Facial training, Antigravity, Huge Ribcage, Dobble S curve of the spine

Online Classes

Natural curve, release and bow your belly, strong back and waist

Tuesday 1pm ET


Therapeutic Basics 


Single hour 15€

10 hours card 125€

 sign up!
pay by bank transfer
or PayPal
Saturday 12 noon

Bowspring Level 1

Single hour 15€
10 hour card 125€

Private Online Classes

Bowspring / Fascial Training

Restorative Fascial Training
Become pain free / Therapy




Since we are all chair walkers, we need to learn to sit properly in the chair and bend forward. We achieve this through small, soft movements that we can easily incorporate into everyday life.

The body can be mobilized and strengthened even while sitting!"

Fascial Therapie, Bowspring Metode, Strengthen your back
Fascial Therapie, Bowspring Methode, aktivate the power of the feets
Fascial Therapie, Bowspring Methode, Deepen your groins, strengthen your glutes

- You have been through a lot of therapies and still the pressure on your shoulders, neck and back doesn't let up?

- Your body suffers from pain on long days or even every day?

- Your joints are giving you problems, they feel weak and blocked?

- You have little energy and often feel tired or even empty?


Then try our fascia method that is easy on your joints!

- Fascia yoga balances this elastic layer in the body that keeps us upright. This has a positive effect on the nervous system and your mood.


- Trigger points are worked on in a gentle way and can be released. Larger areas of tension give way, the body relaxes and becomes lighter.

- The connective tissue/discs are "flushed out" as the flow of water in the body is stimulated, much like when a pump is turned on.

 This flushes out arthritis crystals and frees stuck areas. In addition, the movement stimulates water exchange in the body and detoxifies the organs.



1. the chest

2. the wings, shoulders and arms, hands

3. the roots, pelvis and legs, feet

4. the power wraps, abdomen and neck

5. the crown of the head


Course cost 80€

Fit and dynamic with BOWSPRING!



"Once you understand why it's so hard for us to build body tension and how bad sitting in a chair is, you'll be toning your whole body and building a waistline in no time!"
Fascial Training, Bowspring Methode, Antigravity, Work with your natural curves
Facial Training, Bowspring Methode, Open your wavy side ribs
Facial Training, Bowspring Methode, strenghten your Back, work with your curves

You have already tried many training methods and see little success?

Your body tension on legs, abdomen and buttocks is very difficult to build up?

Often you have pain after the workout or feel hard and tight in the body?


Then try our joint-friendly and super effective fascia method!

Once you understand why it is so hard to build body tension and how bad sitting in a chair is, you will build full body tone and a waist super fast!

It creates the whole body tone of the skin, the back side gets more tension. The butt curves up in its natural shape and becomes firmer. The waist becomes narrower and the lower back becomes stronger as a result.


- The pulsating movements strengthen the body in its double S curve.

- We get much more energy as the fasciae reconnect. This happens through "natural tension and tensions" release.

- The front of the body can open up better and the chest expands, creating a long belly and strong waist.

- The back of the legs are strengthened, which activates the butt muscle and it regains its strength.

- The constrictions of the fasciae are untangled which creates whole body tone.



1. the hidden power in the chest

2. strong arms, yet light as wings

3. the power of the legs and butt muscle

4. long waist and strong like bamboo

5. carrying the head very lightly on the neck and shoulders


Thursdays at 7 pm

From 22 June to 20 July

(22.06, 29.06, 06.07, 13.07, 20.07)


Course cost 80€

Instagram: @thegoldenapple.bowspring

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